Rathma's Set (Army of the Dead) - Necromancer - Diablo III Builds (2024)


Rathma's Set (Army of the Dead)

by Anfinithlast updated Aug 8, 2017(Patch 2.6)



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  • Legendary Gems

    • Rathma's Set (Army of the Dead) - Necromancer - Diablo III Builds (39)Bane of the Trapped
    • Rathma's Set (Army of the Dead) - Necromancer - Diablo III Builds (40)Enforcer
    • Rathma's Set (Army of the Dead) - Necromancer - Diablo III Builds (41)Gem of Efficacious Toxin

Kanai's Cube

  • Rathma's Set (Army of the Dead) - Necromancer - Diablo III Builds (42)

    Bone Ringer
  • Rathma's Set (Army of the Dead) - Necromancer - Diablo III Builds (43)

    Golemskin Breeches
  • Rathma's Set (Army of the Dead) - Necromancer - Diablo III Builds (44)

    Krysbin's Sentence

1. Importance Notice on Gear and Skills:

. You are using 5 pieces + Grandeur to keep 6 pieces bonus

. You want CDR in every piece of gear you can get, so you are able to reset Army of the Dead frequently, don't worry for AS, as you get 30% from Skeletal Mages.

. If you feel you are running out of essence and you are not able to get them fast enough, use Reilena's Shadowhook in the Kanai's Cube and swap Poison Golem for Flesh Golem

Importance Notice on Hellfire Amulet:

. if you want to go for Hellfire Amulet, get the passive: Overwhelming Essence.

. If you are able to get this Change Bone Ringer for Reilena's Shadowhook in the Kanai's Cube for extra damage.

Importance Notice on Gems:

. Both Bane of the Trapped and Enforcer are mandatory, I use Efficacious Toxin because i plan to buff poison damage, but also because of the second effect it gets at lvl 25 for more survavilty, but, if you think you don't need it, feel free to swap.

Paragon Priorities


Movement Speed
Maximum Resource
Primary Stat


Cooldown Reduction
Critical Hit Damage
Critical Hit Chance
Attack Speed


Resist All
Life Regeneration


Life on Hit
Area Damage
Resource Cost Reduction
Gold Find

Paragon Priority is self explanatory, but the only thing i need to explain is in Core:

. While your paragon level is still below 800, Maximum Resources and Primary Stat can be swap depending on priority on Kanai's Cube.

If you are favoring Reilena's Shadowhook, go for maximum Resources, if you are going for Bone Ringer go for Primary Stat.

Build Guide

Hey there! Anfinith#1434 here, first time making a guide in this site, hope you guys like it.

This Build focus on the Rathma's Set, specially the use of Army of the Dead and buffing minions damage as much as possible.

Because i haven't seem any build using Army, i begun to dig around to see if i could make this skill shine, specially after the fix blizzard did to this set a while ago (if you are wondering, 6 pieces bonus need you to have 4 skeletal mages out instead of all 10 to keep the bonus up).

As i say before, i begun to dig around, and yes there's a way to do it, you need a bit of gear and high level of CDR to make this possible. Jesseth Arms set is pretty much the reason Army is viable skill, as your command skeleton will pretty much do everything automatically, as you don't need to command every time they kill a target, instead focus on keeping skeletal mages out for damage bonus to minions and use Army on big packs of enemies, they will be erase in mare seconds of the cast.

I haven't try this on high level paragon, but i'm doing fine in GRift 50 (where i am now), good sustain thanks to Golemskin Breeches, 4 pieces bonus of the set and Efficacious Toxin and very good single target and AoE dps.

Gear Combo Explanation:

. Most of your essence generation is done thanks to the Life from Death passive, a 20% change to drop a Health Globe (4% more if you choose to use Rakoff's Glass of Life amulet), using this + Reaper's Wrap will keep you essence going to keep casting Skeletal Mages all the time.

. Circle of Nailuj's Evol will help on stacking 6 pieces bonus a lot more faster and easier, it will make them last a bit more in battle (with a bit more of time thanks to Extended Servitude passive)

. Grandeur Ring will help on keeping 6 pieces bonus while using Fate's Vow Helm, which will make Army of the Dead use an additional rune (Unconventional Warfare) which will make it do a lot more damage, both single target and AoE.

. Krysbin's Sentence triple damage bonus will be trigger with Cord of Sherma blind proc, while the 100% bonus will be active thanks to Bane of the Trapped.

. Reilena's Shadowhook and Bone Ringer can be swap depending on your need(explained in the paragon and item build section).

This is pretty much it, feedback is well appreciate it, if you guys have any suggestion please feel free leave it in the comment section.

Until then, see you guys later and good hunting!

(Sorry for bad english >.<)

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Rathma's Set (Army of the Dead) - Necromancer - Diablo III Builds (2024)


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LoD Grim Scythe is a decently strong Trash Killer, and finally, LoD Corpse Explosion is the strongest solo Necro build.

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Best Necromancer Armor Sets

Rathma's Spikes, Rathma's Ribcage Plate, Rathma's Macabre Vambraces, Rathma's Ossified Sabatons. Can be obtained with Haedrig's Gift. Is used for the Rathma Army of the Dead build. Army of the Dead, significantly reducing its cooldown, and giving it a huge damage boost.

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The Necromancer's core stat is Intelligence. The Necromancer is available in the Rise of the Necromancer pack, released at the same time as patch 2.6.

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Bones of Rathma is a Class Set for Necromancers in Diablo III, obtainable at level 70. It can only drop on Torment difficulty. All set pieces are restricted to Necromancers. Even transmogrification of these items is only available to Necromancers.

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The best races for Necromancers in ESO are the Dark Elf for damage dealers, Nord for tanks, and High Elf or Breton for healers.

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1. Necromancer. There's really no question that Necromancers are the best class in Diablo 4: Season 4.

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Diablo 4 Necromancer best gems

Sapphire, when used in a weapon, increases Critical Strike Damage to Crowd Controlled Enemies. Another good option for weapons is the Amethyst which increases Damage Over Time. Now, for armor pieces, Sapphire is also great because it increases Damage Reduction when Fortified.

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Intelligence is the primary attribute for any spellcasting class, including the Necromancer, making it the most important attribute for this build. On the other end of the scale, Strength is only relevant for melee characters and will not prove useful for a spellcasting build.

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Diablo 4 Necromancer: Base stats

That means Intelligence is the highest and most important base stat, providing an all-around boost to skill damage, so items and gear that increase the Necromancer's Intelligence should be prioritized over other stat boosts.

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Scythes are Necromancer weapons in Diablo III. Single-handed Scythes are ideal for hooking enemies' weapons or extremities. Their suitable for close-range bloodletting also makes them effective at workday necromantic preparations.

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Which Classes Can Be Necromancers. The class (and subclass) capable of making the most out of this spell is the School of Necromancy wizard. While the ability to learn the spell is a nice feature for clerics, druids, and paladins, School of Necromancy wizards significantly improve the benefits of controlling undead.

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Nostalgia does play a lot into the appeal of the Rise of the Necromancer DLC for Diablo III: Reaper of Souls, but if you are prepared to play a half decade old game and its expansion one more time with the new class, you'll find that it truly is a fun experience.

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Of course, Inarius killed Rathma and left the spear with the key. He wants Lilith to go to hell, because there he can eliminate her, just like the 3 great evils, which she wants to call.

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Super Strength: Rathma possesses a high degree of supernatural strength. He can overwhelm all angels, demons, monsters, deities, fairies, and other entities with ease, even Primordial Species Level Entities and Arch-Nephilims. He is only outmatched by Demiurges, Shards, or Primordial Beings.

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Every Necromancer serves Rathma. Rathma isn't evil. He is a first generation nephalem and so is very powerful. He was the first necromancer and created their order and mandate.

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Diablo 3 - Rise of the Necromancer is ranked in the 75th percentile of games scored on OpenCritic. When the bones hit the dirt, I'd rank the Necromancer highly in terms of sheer fun factor and uniqueness when compared to Diablo 3's other classes.

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Necromancers can Magic Find with any of the three most popular builds, but the Poison Nova Necromancer is considered the best MF Necromancer build.

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The most powerful and common Necromancer builds are:
  • Bonemancer: It's one of the most famous Necromancer builds in Diablo 2. ...
  • Daggermancer: It's an alternative build to the Novamancer. ...
  • Explosionmancer: Also known as Explomancer, the build relies on Corpse Explosion spell.

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