Star-Gazette from Elmira, New York (2024)


J. Saxe of Lyons, a former pastor of the Hedding Methodist Episcopal Church called on friends yesterday in this city. -Mr. and Mrs. Martin H.

Murphy, and. son, Martin of College nue and Miss Mary Elizabeth Maxcy of Park place have returned from a ten days' motor trip to Philadelphia and New York. -Mrs. G. H.

Bundy has returned from a two weeks trip to Detroit where she was visiting Mr. Mrs. George Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Charles Howe, formerly of this city.

-Miss Myra Tripp has returned from Cortland, where she was visiting Miss Florence Hinds. -Mrs. Walter Cope of Haddonfield, N. is the guest of her cousin, Mrs. Edward M.

Wray of West Clinton street. -Miss Anna Hitchco*ck of Water street is spending her vacation with friends Breesport. -Miss Vera Spencer of Oak street left Sunday for Falls. -Mrs. H.

Bentley of Mansfleld, is visiting relatives in the city. -Mrs. Mary Carr of West Gray street is visiting friends in Cambridge Springs. -Herbert Abbott of New York City is visiting his sister, Mrs. J.

B. Harper of East Chemung place. -County Clerk Charles B. Romer who has been seriously, ill at the Arnot-Ogden following an operation, is improving slowly. As yet he is unable to see anyone.

-Mrs. Hannah Harding of street, has returned from Owego, where she was visiting friends. -Miss Edna Baker of Dimira, spent of last week with Mrs. A. K.

part Rue at her summer at Erin. Josephine Little of Baldwin street, has returned home from a two weeks' visit in New York City. -Mr. and Mrs. George Thomas of Lyon street and Mr.

and Mrs. Wellinston Ferguson of Buffalo, Waverly, Niagara are on Falls a and Rochester. -Miss Martha Walster has returned to her home fro mthe Arnot-Ogden Hospital where she underwent an operation for appendicitis. -Miss Alta M. Baker of East Hill, is spending a week in New York City.

-Mrs. John R. Juliand of Fon-duWisconsin, will come Friday June lac, Elmira to visit her sister, Mrs. 25 to Anna Paget of West First street. They at home to their friends at the will be Hotel Rathbun until August 1.

-County Judge Charles B. Swartwood and family leave today for Association Island, Henderson Harbor, N. Y. They are expected to be absent a month. -Miss Naomi Davis of West Church street will leave for South Orange, N.

Friday. -Miss Edith M. Foster and Miss Elizabeth Roe will return to this city Sunday from a two weeks' stay in the Adirondacks. -Mrs. John A.

Adams and two daughters of Utica are visiting her sister, Mrs. H. M. Clark of Euclid avenue. -Mrs.

Daniel Sheehan is reported as resting comfortably at the St. Joseph hospital following an operation performed last week. -Miss Elizabeth Carr of West Water street has returned after spending three weeks in Rochester and Watertown. -Miss Dorothy Jones la spending some time with Mrs. Ray Steele.

-Miss Gertrude Losle of Johnstown, is visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. M. Losie of upper West Water street.

-Miss Mary Mitchell of Roe avenue will leave the middle of next week to spend some time with friends in Auburn. -The Misses Angeline, Cora and Sadie Wood of High street are spending a two weeks' vacation visiting friends in Stanley, Geneva and Rochester. -Miss Ethel Theetge of the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company has left for the Great Lakes, Cleveland and Detroit. -George Berglund has returned to this home in Boston after visiting his sister, Mrs. F.

W. Horne of Madison avenue. -Mrs. Joseph O. Woolf and sons, are spending their vacation at the or second Saturday in August.

All friends of the family are welcome. ANNUAL PICNIC. The Pennsylvania avenue Methodist Sunday School will hold its annual picnic at Riverside Park Saturday, July 26. All members and friends of the school are invited. Please bring silver, cups, sandwiches and other eatables.

Supper at 6 o'clock. Great Mill ENDS NEXT advancing on all lines of Dry Goods Buy now Great Bargain Prices. Every Department is Men's Furnishings, Men's Underwear, Sweaters and Fine Lace Flouncings At One-Fourth Original Prices Included in this lot are chantilly Oriental and ine Silk Laces 18 to 27 inches wide in two bargain lots and 69c. 750 to $1.50 Lace Flouncings: 390 $1.50 to $2.75 Lace Flouncings 600 CAMISOLE LACE. The new Camisole Lace 11 inches wide, heading top and bottom.

89c Camisole Lace 500 1.00 Camisole Lace 70c $3.00 AND $8.50 GEORGETTE CREPE $1.98. 600 yards of Imported Georgette Crepe. These are printed by one of the best French printers: 41 different styles and colors--no two alike. This season's most popular fabrics for waists and gowns; regular price $3.00 and Price $3.60. Mill -End Sale $1.98 $2.50 SILK VOILE $1.50 40-Inch Silk Voiles In Apricot, Copen, Nile, Beige, Grey, Tan, White and Black, very beautiful quality for Waists and Gowns; regular price $2.50.

M111-End Sale Price $1.50 and good range of colors. MillEnd Sale Price $1.50 $1.50 to $8.00 EMBROIDERED FLOUNCINGS 980. 27 and 45-inch Organdy and Volle embroidered I dress nouncinge; these are imported, and are embroidered on Ane French material. A few colored novelties in the lot; worth from $1.50 to $3.00. Mill-End Sale Price 98c Sheehan, of North Attleboro, have returned to their home after having visited Mr.

and Mrs. J. R. Names of College avenue. LAST TWO DAYS CLEAN SWEEP SALE pink Batiste Envelope Chemise, with pretty silk tucked yoke, lace insertion and lace strap finish; regular $2.25 value.

FLANAGAN'S. CHARLES CHAPLIN In His Latest $1,000,000 Comedy ALSO BERT LYTELL REGENT TODAY COUNTRY SCENE FROM WINDOWS OF OUR GREEN BAY PLANT Fresh From Sunshine and Pure Air COUNCIL Meats are prepared among ideal surroundings. They COUNCIL come to you in vacuum packages that preserve all their purity, flavor and food value. All meat--no waste. Ready to serve COUNCIL -economical.

A supply on your pantry BEEF HASH shelf offers a happy solution to meal time problems--a of COUNCIL meats for all occasions. INDIAN PACKING COMPANY GREEN BAY, WIS. PACKING CO 201X COUNCIL MEATS FRESH FROM SUNSHINE AND PURE AIR TODAY'S SOCIAL NEWS CAKE SALE. The ladies of the First Presbyterian Church will hold a cake sale tomorrow at the S. F.

Iszard department store. All cakes should be brought in as near 9 o'clock as possible. WILLARD W. C. T.

U. PICNIC. The members of the Willard W. C. T.

U. will have a picnic at Grove Park, Friday afternoon. A short business meeting will be held at 4 o'clock and supper will be served at 6:30 o'clock, followed by an address by the Rev. E. E.

Merring, the pastor of Hedding Methodist Church. His topic will be "Sabbath Observance." All members are asked to bring silver, sandwiches and one article of food for the table. REUNION. The 18th annual reunion of the descendants of John and Sarah Terwilliger will be held at Riverside Park, August 13. Everyone please bring cups and silver.

GOODTIME CLUB. The Goodtime Club' of Montour Falls, enjoyed a dancing party at Rorick's Glen last night. The members of the club present were: Mr. and Mrs. Charles Doolittle, Mr.

and Mrs. Fred McGredy, Mr. and Mrs. George Barton, Mrs. Grace Elmore, Mr.

and Mrs. George Layton, Mr. and Mrs. Emil Kivela, Albert Schmidt. The guests were: Mrs.

Ernest Kuhs and daughter, Evelyn, of Rochester; Mr. and Mrs. John Kivela of Calumet, and Carl Stroker of Canandaigua. PICNIC SUPPER. The Past Noble Grand Association will meet tonight for a picnic supper.

The members of the supper committee are: Mrs. Buckley, Mrs. Stage and Mrs. Ella Peckham. IN HONOR PARTIES.

Miss Ruth Cole of William street, will entertain at her home Thursday evening, in honor of Miss Putnam, whose marriage to Clifford Brundage will take place in August. Mrs. W. D. Caton of Kingston, MUTT AND JEFF Mutt Needed A Can Opener To Get The Best of This Argument BY BUD FISHER (Copyright, 1919, by H.

C. Trade Mark Reg. S. Pat. off.) demons.


GONNA BE YoU. HEE! always let Jeff hue York, get the worst Dear au argumant. the fellow how's that, chauce ouce a We while and lat Mutt" gut what he deserves. Yours for fair play Bud Georgie Hoster, 13 ya. 90 by Mai SATURDAY during our Mill- End Sale represented in this sale.

several items in small Embroideries Thousands of yards of embroidery at January Sale Prices. 80 EMBROIDERY, 20 500 yards of Embroidery, sertions only; worth 8c. MIl1-End Sale Price 2c 10c to 15c narrow Embroiderles, Mill- -End edges Sale and Price insertions. 5c Embroidery banding suitable for Underwear tops and Camisolos. 250 to Embroidered Dandings 190 500 to 750 Embroidered Bandings 800 Handkerchiefs 100 HANDKERCHIEFS 20 Women's colored border handkerchiefs, bought from the manufacturer without being hemmed, if they were hemmed, worth 10c.

Price Mill-End Sale 2c 100 60 Women's hematitched sheer shamrock lawn Handkerchiefs, with neat embroidered corners; Sale worth Price 10c. Mill -End 6c HANDKERCHIEFS Women's Imported Hemstitched Handkerchiets, embroidered on Shamrock Lawns, few of them are slightly solled; worth 17c. -End Sale Price 350 HANDKERCHIEFS 170. Women's hand embroidered handkerchiefs, mostly embroidered in colors; cheap today at 250. MIll -End Sale Price Dean PURSUANCE OF AN ORDER OF the Surrogate's Court of the County of Chemung.

Notice is hereby given to all persons having claims against the estate William H. Beardsley. late of the city Elmira. Chemung County. N.

deceased, present the same, with vouchers chereof to the subscriber, at the office of Chemung Canal Trust Company, Elmira, Y. on or before the 10th day of October next, Dated this 2nd day of April 1919. CHEMUNG CANAL TRUST CO. Administrator. Thur.

Apr. 3. law 6mos LAST TWO DAYS CLEAN SWEEP SALE Satin Camisole, made plain tailored with ribbon tops; pink or light blue, regular $1.50 value. FLANAGAN'S. Say you saw it advertised in The Star -Gazette.

End NIGHT and Save money. We are offering 'Today we mention Women's wear. Summer Gloves AT BARGAIN PRICES 89C WHITE GLOVES. Women's White Washable Chamois Suede Gloves with self and two-toned backs; worth 890. Mill Price -End Sale 48c 750 SILK GLOVES 590.

Women's 2-clasp Anger-tipped Gloves, White and Black only; 75c value. MIll-End Sale Price 59c $1.00 LONG SILK GLOVES 590 Women's elbow length Silk Anger-tipped Gloves in White and Black only; value $1.00 Mill-End Sale Price 59c $1.50 LONG SILK GLOVES 700 Women's elbow length fine Milauese Anger-tipped Glove In White, Black and colors. MIll-End Sale Price 79c Men's Furnishings Garters Men's Paris 25c Men's Washable Four-in-Hand Ties: Mill-End 39c Sale value, Price 25c MEN'S HALF HOSE. Men's Cotton Halt Hose, 100 value. Mill- Bale Price Men's Half Hose, cotton and lisle, sizes 91 and 10; worth up to 50c.

Mill -End Sale Price 29c Shirts Men's Negligee Shirts, stiff eufte 14, 17; value Bale today Pirce $1.00. Mill -End 65c Men's Soft Shirts with soft cants sizes except 16 and Bale Price $1.25 value. MIll mad 89c 136-138-140-142 West TEMPERANCE CLUB ELECTS OFFICERS FOR COMING YEAR The Y. P. B.

of the W. C. T. U. held their annual meeting last evening on the lawn at McFarlin's Studio.

A delegation from the Horseheads branch was present and added much to the pleasure of the evening. being The one Elmira of the society has the honor of largest a and most efficient branches in the United States and judging from the enthusiasm with which the annual meeting was conducted the coming year will surpass previous records. Refreshments were served and a social hour enjoyed following the election of the following officers: Frances Harper, Thelma Earl Petingill, vice-president; Fetter, corresponding secretary; Mabel Rulapaugh, recording secretary; Leda Johnson, treasurer. The club. plans to have an outing Havana Labor Day.

The next lar meeting will be held at the home regu- of the vice-president. Earl Pettingill, 1043 Walnut street, Tuesday evening. August 5. Say yua saw it in The Star- Sale Prices are regular stock at Handkerchiefs, Women's Neckwear Just Received New facturer's Sample Line of Women's Neckwear. Placed on Sale at About Half Price.

Samples are always the latest and best for style and quality. These go on sale at half price, Including odd pleces from our own stock. The styles are the latest, including many vesta, vestees, colJars and collar and cuff sets. The materials are Georgette, Organdies, Satins, Piques, nets and fancy ellks. Women's Neckwear 50c and 59c Women's Neckwear 29c $1.00 and $1.25 Women's Neckwear 69c $1.50 to $2.00 Women's Neckwear 98c 250 to 50c PLEATINGS 170 Pleatings in nets, organdle and batiste; worth 25c to 50c.

Mtil-End Sale Price 17c Lace Bargains 50 LACES 8c. Val. Lace edges and insertions, worth 5c. Mill- End Sale Price 3c 10c TO 15c LACES, 50. Consisting of Venise insertions, shadow laces and other novelty Mill Sale Price laces; worth 10c to 15c.

25c to 39c LACES Consists of Venise edges and Insertions and black and white Silk Laces worth from 25c to $90. M11-End Price 9c 500 to 750 LACES Black and white Silk Laces, Oriental, Venise edges and insertions, medium and wide widths. Worth from 60c to 75c. MIllEnd Sale Price In Every Detall the Leading Establishment in Elmira "Wheeler Homestead" at Kanona, N. Y.

Mr. Woolf spends the week-ends with his family. -Mr. and Mrs. E.

C. Thompson and daughter Helen, of West Gray street are spending some time at Keuka Lake. -Mrs. W. R.

Jones has returned from a trip to Philadelphia, Harrisrisburg, and Carlisle. Pa. -Mr. and Mrs. Charles Youngs of Riverside avenue and Miss Katharine E.

Quigley left Monday for Lake Keuka to spend a week. They were joined Wednesday by the Misses Nellie M. and Edith Olivey. --Mr. and Mrs.

W. H. left this week to visit their son, A Attorney Joseph T. McGill of Sheepshead Bay. They wil be joined there by Miss Mary Agnes McGill and later on spend a week in Philadelphia, Pa.

and Atlantic City, N. J. -Mre. J. C.

Peterman and daughter Retta is in Buffalo, Niagara Falls and Canada on a vacation. -Mr. and Mrs. Laverne Calkins and high grade goods from our Neckwear, Embroideries, Laces, Purses Top and Back Strap large assortment of styles, some with overlaping trames; black and colors. Values to $1.50.

MIll End Sale 89c Hose Supporters Children's Hose Supporters in all sizes, black and white, made of fino quality lislo elastic, and 25c values. Mill End Sale 10c $1.00 0-Cedar Mops 65c Genuine 0-Cedar Mop, triangle shape with handle. Value $1.00. MIll End Sale Price 65c 50c Removo Removo the pertumed depilatory. An ideal hair remover will not Irritate the skin, Mill End Sale 35c Sonia Hair Nets Genuine Human Hair Nets, shape, all the wanted shades Mill End Sale Special, 6 for 25c Pearl Buttons who is visiting her parents, Mr.

and Mrs. Charles Jones of upper West Water street, will entertain for Miss Putnam, Saturday evening. K-E COTTAGE PARTY. About 25 members of K-E will journey to Gibson Landing, Sunday, where they will camp for a week at the Jackson cottage. The party will be chaperoned by Mrs.

E. Price, Mrs. R. E. Beardsley, Mrs.

Harris. PICNIC AT THE MONUMENT! The members of the night class of St. Mary's Red Cross Auxiliary held a very enjoyable picnic at Sullivan's Monument, last evening. REUNION. The 19th a annual reunion of the Gunderman family will be held Saturday, August 2, at Eldridge Park.

Dinner will be held at 12 o'clock. All relatives and friends are cordially invited. KAKIETZ -MINER. Theodore I. Miner and Miss Bertha C.

Kakietz, both of this city were united in marriage Monday evening, July 21, by the Rev. A. N. Denny, at his home, 1227 West Water street. COMFORT-GOODRICH.

At the home of Mr. and Mrs. Charles Goodrich, in Horseheads, took place a happy wedding. The Rev. Roy E.

Drague, of Breesport, united in marriage Miss Ruth M. Comfort of Elmira, and Gordon A. oGodrich, son of Mr. and Mrs. Goodrich.

They were attended by Erma Bartholomay, a sister of the bride, and Leland Van Gorden, a cousin of the bridegroom. RAILWAY EXPRESSMEN. The monthly meeting of the Order of Railway Expressmen was held at the Royal Arcanum Hall last evening. The regular routine business was discussed and the following committee named for the annual outing to be held in August, Thomas F. J.

McGill, C. J. Withiam and J. A. Wilson.

LEONARD OWEN REUNION. The Leonard Owen Reunion will be held at Eldridge Park the first I Choice of 2,000 cards of sample Pearl Buttons In white Brooked Pearl, all alscs 16 60. Value to 25c. MIll End Sale Price. 50 Mercerized Sweaters Misses and Women's Mercerite Bilk Sweaters In all wanted and colors, rose, Copenhagen green.

Regular price $6.80 End Sale Price $4,50 Co. Retail Water Street Not So Easily Found Rastus Rosin was convicted. of stealing a hog. "Rastus." the Judge said to him, "you are fined $5." "Jedge," said Rastus, "Ah'm obliged to ye. Ah got dot five spot right here in mah left-hand vest pocket." continued the Judge, "just dig down in your right-hand vestjocket, Rastus, and see if you can find 30 days." 50-50 "Twas made for You'll like it ASK YOUR DEALER Miss Marjorie A.

Stocking. Graduate in music at Syracuse Um the versity, Violin 1918, and Department and Instruc since in charge of tor at Cazenovia Seminar AN ES THE OPENING OF 1 Stuuio of Music at corner the of residence Elm of and Dr. High H. J. Sta, Wort Stocking, field, SEPT.

1, 1919. Miss Stocking will give private sons in Violin and Piano and classes not exceeding tour in Ear Training, Sight Reading, ory To and introduce Composition. methods of teaching special rates will be given for the first term. For further particulars and please write or call at the TELEPHONE BELL LINE 18. GILBROOK PRIVATE Say you saw it in The Star-Gasetta.

Star-Gazette from Elmira, New York (2024)
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Name: Nicola Considine CPA

Birthday: 1993-02-26

Address: 3809 Clinton Inlet, East Aleisha, UT 46318-2392

Phone: +2681424145499

Job: Government Technician

Hobby: Calligraphy, Lego building, Worldbuilding, Shooting, Bird watching, Shopping, Cooking

Introduction: My name is Nicola Considine CPA, I am a determined, witty, powerful, brainy, open, smiling, proud person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.