What Does FYP Mean? | The Word Counter (2024)

What does the abbreviation FYP stand for?

According to Dictionary, Urban Dictionary, and Cyber Definitions, amongst other dictionary apps, the abbreviation FYP stands for “for you page.” The for you page is the homepage of the social media app TikTok on which users can see content that is recommended for them. TikTok uses an algorithm that recommends specific content from different influencers on different peoples’ for you pages. Often, trending posts will appear on a person’s for your page. This landing page is what opens up by default when someone opens the video-sharing app TikTok. This page is similar to the Instagram explore page in that it provides the user with curated content based on other content they have interacted with in the past.

TikTok’s algorithm recommends different short videos to different people, whether these are selfies, memes, dances, sponsorships, or other types of videos that people post in the TikTok app. If a lesser known video shows up on a TikTok users for your page, they might comment “FYP on the TikTokers TikTok videos. People will also sometimes use the acronym FYP as a hashtag to try and get on other peoples’ for you pages, i.e. #FYP

According to The Free Dictionary, the abbreviation FYP also has numerous other possible definitions. However, in this day and age of the popular app TikTok, these definitions are less common. If you do pan to use one of these alternate definitions for the abbreviation FYP, make sure that you provide the recipient with proper context so that they are not confused. You would not want someone thinking you mean “for you page” when you mean “five year plan”! Whenever you are going to use an abbreviation that has more than one definition, make sure that you provide the recipient with the popper context clues so that they can decipher the correct meaning.

  • Festival of Young Performers
  • Fixed Your Post (newsgroups)
  • First Year Premium (life insurance)
  • Five-Year Plan
  • Flexible Year Program (Bryan Independent School District; Bryan, TX)
  • Foundation Year Program (University of Kings College)
  • Foundation Year Programme (Canada)
  • Five Year Program
  • Full Year Projection
  • First Year Program (College of the Holy Cross)
  • For Your Pleasure
  • First Year Players (Syracuse University musical theatre group)
  • For Your Perusal
  • Final Year Project
  • Freight Yard Pub (North Adams, MA)
What Does FYP Mean? | The Word Counter (1)

How can the abbreviation FYP be used in a sentence?

People almost exclusively use the acronym FYP to talk about other peoples’ TikTok for you pages. WHile they may sometimes mean one of the other meanings of FYP, most often, one can assume the person is talking about TikTok if they use the acronym FYP. In this example, Natalya and Danie are talking about a video of Danie’s that went viral on TikTok.

Danie: Question for you, TikTok queen.

Natalya: What’s up?

Danie: Do people comment “FYP” on your videos? What does that mean?

Natalya: Oh! It means your video came across their for you page. Nice! THat means your videos are getting a lot of views.

Danie: How many views is a lot?

Natalya: How many views do you have?

Danie: 1.5 million.

Natalya: OMG!

Here, Danie mentions that people are commenting FYP on her videos, which indicates to her that her videos are gaining traction. In this next example, Natalya and Danie are also talking about TikTok.

Danie: Nat, these crispy tofu bites are delicious. Where did you learn to make these?

Natalya: The recipe was on my FYP! Here, I’ll send the video to you. It was so easy!

Danie: Thanks! I think my algorithm still needs time to figure out who I am, LOL. It keeps recommending all of these zookeeper videos and I do not know how I ended up on zookeeper TikTok.

Here, Natalya mentions that the recipe for the tofu bites came across her for you page, or FYP.

What are other similar pages to an FYP on other social media apps?

The acronym FYP, meaning for you page, is almost entirely specific to TikTok. This is the personalized feed of content that you may enjoy, but that you are not directly following or have not curated for yourself. The FYP uses an algorithm to recommend content based on your previously liked or interacted with content.

Other social media platforms have similar pages to the FYP as well. Instagram has the explore page, which is a section of Instagram that recommends content to you based on content that you have liked or interacted with in the past. Instagram’s algorithm recognizes this and attempts to recommend similar content to you. Twitter also has an explore page in which it recommends categories of tweets, specific tweets, and news stories based upon what Twitter’s algorithm thinks a specific user will be interested in.

Most if not all social media sites and apps use some sort of algorithm to recommend content to its users. People are very impressed with TikTok’s algorithm and many feel that TikTok’s FYP recommends the perfect content for them to watch for hours on end.

Overall, the acronym FYP most often stands for “for your page.” The for you page is a section of the social media app TikTok in which the user can find recommended content. The for you page uses TikTok’s algorithm to recommend content based upon what different content the user has liked or interacted with in the past. Try out TikTok and see for yourself how awesome your FYP can be!


  1. https://acronyms.thefreedictionary.com/FYP
  2. https://www.dictionary.com/e/acronyms/fyp/#:~:text=FYP%20stands%20for%20the%20%22For,they%20might%20watch%20or%20like.
  3. https://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=FYP
  4. https://www.cyberdefinitions.com/definitions/FYP.html

What Does FYP Mean? | The Word Counter (2)

Kevin Miller is a growth marketer with an extensive background in Search Engine Optimization, paid acquisition and email marketing. He is also an online editor and writer based out of Los Angeles, CA. He studied at Georgetown University, worked at Google and became infatuated with English Grammar and for years has been diving into the language, demystifying the do's and don'ts for all who share the same passion! He can be found online here.

What Does FYP Mean? | The Word Counter (2024)


What Does FYP Mean? | The Word Counter? ›

It means 'For You Page'. The FYP is the main timeline you see when you log into the app.

What does FYP stand for? ›

Fyp is an acronym that means “For You Page”, and refers to the page on TikTok that is filled with recommended content and videos the app thinks you'll enjoy the most. Creators hashtag their videos #fyp to try and get their video on other users' For You Page to help increase views and brand visibility. #

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The First-Year Success Program (FYSP) is required for students admitted on a provisional basis.

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Example: My fyp was loaded with cat videos today.

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It means 'For You Page'.

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Why do people use #FYP? Many TikTokers add the #FYP hashtag to their captions with the hopes of increasing their chances of being shown on other people's FYP and reaching a wider audience.

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FYP (For You Page)

FYP meaning stands for “For You Page.” It's a personalized feed of content tailored to your interests on platforms like TikTok. What does FYP mean? FYP meaning stands for “For You Page.” It's a personalized feed of content tailored to your interests on platforms like TikTok.

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Simply means for you page. Another name for F Y P. Is for you feed. Now, F Y P, or for you feed, is the very first page you see.

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FYP, short for "For You Page," is a feature commonly found in social media apps such as TikTok and Instagram.

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FYP stands for "For You Page" on TikTok, which is a personalized feed of recommended video content for its users. The FYP is the main feature on TikTok and is designed to help users discover new, relevant, and interesting videos to watch based on each user's likes and preferences.

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For your pleasure On X (formerly Twitter), the acronym “FYP” often means “for your pleasure.” People write “FYP” when they tag another user in a post that they believe they'll find interesting or enjoyable. “Here's a photo I took of the Great Barrier Reef. FYP @NatGeo” “Sitting courtside at the Knicks game tonight.

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FYP is an acronym that means “For You Page.” It refers to the tab on TikTok that is filled with recommended content and videos the app thinks you'll enjoy the most. Some creators use the #fyp hashtag to try and get their video on other users' For You Page to help increase views and brand visibility.

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What does FYP mean on TikTok? #FYP is a common acronym used to hashtag both a video intended for the “For You Page” found on all TikTok users' accounts. But it's not to be confused with the #FYP hashtag meaning “Fixed Your Post” where users create video responses to other users' earlier posts.

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FYP. FVP is the abbreviation of “For You Page”. You probably have seen #FYP everywhere on TikTok. As the name suggests, the content creator uses hashtag #fyp or #foryoupage to make their videos show up on your homepage based on your personal algorithm, thereby getting more views.

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OG, short for “original gangster” or “original gangsta,” is a slang term for someone who's incredibly exceptional, authentic, or “old-school.” OG was originally used in gang culture, but it is now used as a general term to praise someone who is an expert at something.

What is Fyp online? ›

The For You Page (or FYP) is the first page users land on when they open the TikTok app. It shows them a curated feed of videos from creators they might not follow, but that TikTok's algorithm thinks they might like, based on their interests and past interactions.

How does Fyp work in TikTok? ›

What Is the FYP On TikTok Designed For? The For You page, aka “FYP,” is the first page you land on when you open the TikTok app. It's a curated feed of videos from creators you might not follow, but TikTok's algorithm thinks you will like them based on your interests and past interactions.

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What does FYD mean in slang? #fyd means follow your dreams. like whaaa #fyp #blowthisup #viral #foryou #fypシ

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